Patrick McCrosson

“I was told that my retinopathy had been reduced nearly 50%”

As a Type 1 Diabetic for over 38 years, retinopathy had become a major concern.  This past April, after fifteen years of mild/moderate retinopathy,  I was told that that my left eye had advanced to proliferative diabetic retinopathy. When I was originally diagnosed with mild retinopathy, my A1C was in the mid 6 range and I was troubled that I could get eye disease with an A1C within a nearly normal range.  Fortunately, I stayed in the mild range for over 10 years – then moderate non-proliferative for nearly 5 years. Recently, when told that the retinopathy had progressed to proliferative with slight leakage and hemorrhaging behind my left eye, the ophthalmologist stated that if it got worse laser treatment would be the best option. I wanted to avoid laser treatment at all costs having learned of some serious side effects such as loss of peripheral and night vision.

In an effort to gather as much information as possible, I created a Diabetes Retinopathy and Eye Solutions page on Facebook. Soon after the page was up and running, I connected with a man named Jacob from Chicago who had told me about the Noctura 400 mask and its benefits. It sounded like an option that was non invasive and hopeful.  The complicating factor in getting the mask was that it was not FDA approved and could only be bought in England! After much research, I traveled to London from my home in the United States. I believed, based on my research, the Noctura 400 therapy would offer me the fastest results.  It took only a few days to get used to wearing the mask and it is now very comfortable to wear at night.

I am happy to report that when I went to my next appointment to get my eyes screened, I was told that my retinopathy had been reduced nearly 50%, no more hemorrhaging and the leakage had slightly improved as well. Working diligently to get my A1C below 6.5%, eating a low carb diet with a lot of vegetables and the use of the Noctura 400 have worked together to improve my eye health in a short period of time. Members of my Facebook community, who are using the same steps, are also seeing major improvements in a very short period of time. The process of getting the mask could not have been easier as the folks at PolyPhotonix and the Outside Clinic answered all of my questions, responded to my concerns quickly and consistently greeted me with enthusiasm and smiles. At one point I was terrified of the possibility of blindness, laser treatments and my health in general.  Today I feel like a new person with increased energy and optimism.  The Noctura 400 is largely responsible for this new outlook and I am deeply grateful to the staff at PolyPhotonix, the Outside Clinic and Noctura 400!

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"From the scan results the little swellings which are the macular oedema have virtually disappeared."

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I’m a gardener by profession, so the mask has meant that I can continue working in the job I love. My eyesight has improved over the four years I’ve been using the mask and there’s no need to have injections or lasers in the eyes now.

Linda Baker

“Over the moon didn’t come close! No treatment needed, they said! I’m so incredibly grateful.”