I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1994. So I’ve had it 23 years now.
I started with the Noctura mask in October 2016, having crowd funded to raise the money to afford it. I’m a self employed massage therapist, working with the disabled and people with chronic health conditions, also dementia.
I had been diagnosed with pre-prolific retinopathy and macular oedema, which they wanted to laser. My first three months with the mask I learnt only had contact with my eyes 48% of the time. So I tightened it. Next six months 95 and 98% respectively. I also worked hard at bringing my blood sugars down, from an HbA1c of 64 to 57, using pycnogenol and a lot of spinach, as advised!
I went with trepidation to my next appointment at the eye clinic, was surprised and over the moon to discover my macular oedema had almost gone, and my pre-prolific retinopathy was now moderate and stable!! Over the moon didn’t come close!! No treatment needed, they said!! I will carry on with the mask as long as I can raise the money to afford it, and am so incredibly grateful I heard about it… on Facebook of all places!!