Isobel Foster

“I’ve noticed I can now read labels and price tags when I’m out shopping.”

I was first diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes around 25 years ago. I had lost a lot of weight and I could have drunk the seas dry, so I recognised what the symptoms were. It is the lifestyle changes that get to you, particularly as my three children were young at the time and I was working as a childminder.

I had to have four or five insulin injections a day and you have to eat at certain times of the day. I was pretty good at spotting the symptoms if my blood sugar levels were low. You have to make sure you’re looking after yourself when you’re looking after children. I do pilates and zumba and I walk a lot, so I try to make sure I’m doing the right things.

I developed Diabetic Retinopathy 15 years ago. At that point, I’d had a career change and was working as a florist. I was reaching up to get some flowers so I could put a bouquet together when blood suddenly burst up inside my right eye. It’s rare to actually be able to see a bleed so it was terrifying.

I had so many laser treatments to try to control the condition that I lost count. They were damaging my eyeballs to try to save my eyesight. The treatment has moved on but when I first started having it, the laser felt pretty hot. It’s not a pleasant experience.

I can’t drive anymore because of poor peripheral vision and I had to give up work because I was disorientated when using the phone, till and card machines.

I really did wonder if I would lose my sight completely. I have three children and my fifth grandchild Beatrix arrived a few weeks ago. Not being able to see my grandchildren was my worst fear. I also like reading, although I’ve had to buy a Kindle because of the small print in most books. I can’t see certain shades and tones like yellows and sometimes I can’t see the weeds until they get fairly big, but I still love gardening.

I read about the Noctura 400 in an article and contacted the makers. I get the mask through Wade Opticians and I’ve been using it for nine months. I don’t notice the glow at all while I’m wearing it.

I hoped the sleep mask would stabilise my condition. I didn’t expect I would have improvements, but I have. The biggest improvements came within the first three months. Since I started to wear the sleep mask, I’ve had no further laser treatment and no further bleeds. I’ve noticed I can now read labels and price tags when I’m out shopping, which I’d never have been able to do a few months ago.

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"From the scan results the little swellings which are the macular oedema have virtually disappeared."

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As a 20+ year type I diabetic, PolyPhotonix has removed my deepest fear of developing retinopathy complications. I’ve been using Noctura 400 for preventative purposes and haven’t slept so relaxed nights ever since!

Neil Walker

“I just wish I’d known about the mask earlier before the damage to my eyes happened.”