Desang Diabetes Magazine Talks About Noctura 400!

If you’re enjoying relaxing over the festive period and want an informative read about Noctura 400, let’s have a look at Diabetes Magazine by Desang. It is on page 30 of issue 137 to see what they wrote about us.

Desang is a magazine that covers diabetes news, diabetes management equipment such as insulin pumps, and news about food suitable for a diabetic diet including a regular Making Carbs Count column. Desang Magazine covers the news about Noctura 400 because Noctura 400 can help to avert diabetes people going blind. The eye mask can monitor patients with early signs of diabetic retinopathy until their eyes qualify for further treatment. So far, the eye mask has demonstrated improvement and stabilization of diabetic eye disease in 96% of patients.

Michelangelo Biasiucci, 64, from London, who has been wearing the mask for three years. The professional driver was diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy four years ago after noticing his night-time vision was deteriorating while at work.

“When I was driving at night the glare was unbearable. That problem’s gone. It’s been a savior. I would say that the mask has given me my life back – not only can I see so much clearer, but it has enabled me to carry out my job safely again.”

Research by Ashford and St. Peter’s NHS Foundation Trust found that by improving patient outcomes can save NHS 3000 GBP per patient and deliver cost savings estimated at over £180 million per year if adopted across the NHS. It could also ease the pressure for hospital clinic appointments and the use of eye injections or laser therapy.

Mr. Ulrich Meyer-Bothling, the consultant ophthalmic surgeon at Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: “The Trust’s decision to offer the sleep mask as part of its diabetic retinopathy pathway is great news for patients and the NHS alike.”

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