Trevor Drake

Before purchasing Noctura 400 my eyesight had deteriorated, so much so I needed digital eye tests every 3 months. Since using the eye mask for just under 6 months, there has been vast improvements with my eyesight , Diabetic retinopathy was R2 in both eyes now reduced to R1, maculopathy was Right eye M1 , now both eyes M0, the results speak for themselves .My digital eye tests are required once a year instead of every three months.

The brilliance of this product is obvious , it’s a game changer , it’s the light that saves sight , and has helped me to hold on to my driving licence , something that I and fellow diabetics do not want to lose .

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Neil Walker

“I just wish I’d known about the mask earlier before the damage to my eyes happened.”

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"My eye doctor follows me every 3-4 months and while I have needed rare treatment with injections, I have gone 12-24 months in between any treatments. This has been fantastic news as I have avoided any serious progression of retinopathy."

Isobel Foster

“I’ve noticed I can now read labels and price tags when I’m out shopping.”