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I have had type 1 diabetes since 1998 and I have always feared long-term complications diabetes can lead to. The eyes are some of our most fragile organs, yet among the most precious for me. I could not think of a life without being able to see properly. I discovered Noctura 400 about 10 years ago and have been among the first adopters of this amazing device. After 25 years of diabetes and loads of ups and downs with my BG levels my retina is still looking good. I have been wearing the Noctura 400 mask every night for many years and I have to admit that, since the very first design of the mask, the comfort of its fabric has been raised significantly by the company manufacturer. The gentle green glow emitted by the mask is for me now a comfortable factor to fall asleep. I would recommend the Noctura 400 mask to anyone who has diabetes, with or without diabetic retinopathy. Unfortunately, diabetes goes only one way forward and it keeps deteriorating the body despite the efforts anyone can make to maintain BG levels in range. Investing in myself and doing everything I can have always been my key to a better life with diabetes and the only one I can truly recommend. I never had issues with the delivery of the Noctura 400 mask or gaps in my light therapy thanks to the reminders I punctually receive.

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