Noctura 400 is a monitored therapy - use of the mask is detected by sensors and recorded onto a chip inside the pod.
Once the patient returns their used mask, the collected usage data can be viewed and compared to changes in vision.
Noctura 400 is being used in clinic to treat patients with early stage DMO following the highly successful RENDER study where 96% of patients saw clinical improvement and stabilisation(2).
Across all stages of diabetic eye disease Noctura 400 has demonstrated clinical repair in 66% of patients, and no associated complications(2-6).
NICE have published a Medtech Innovation Briefing for Noctura 400 (6)
Noctura 400 has been used for people with
– Mild to moderate non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (1,2)
– Early, untreated and progressive diabetic macular oedema (2-5)
– Moderate proliferative diabetic retinopathy (2)
After a period of treatment patients experience:
Retinal Thickness 2,3,5
Retinal Cysts 3,4,5
Visual Acuity 2,5
2. Meyer-Bothling U, Meyer-Bothling O, Pinney M, A Real-World Single-Centre Study of Patients with Diabetic Macular Oedema Who Wore a Home-Use Sleep Mask (Noctura 400) for One Year , Journal of Ophthalmology, 2021.
3. Sahni JN, Czanner, Gutu T et al. Safety and acceptability of an organic light-emitting diode sleep mask as a potential therapy for retinal disease. , Eye (Lond). 2017; 31: 97-106
4. Arden GB, Jyothi S, Hogg CH et al. Regression of early diabetic macular oedema is associated with prevention of dark adaption. , Eye 2011;25(12):1546-54.
5. Kuchynyka P, Grierson I, Veith D et al.Patients with diabetic eye disease using a potentially therapeutic mask. Do sufficient patients wear the mask and for how long?. , Adv Ophthalmol Vis Syst. 2017; 7: 00253
6. Arden GB, Gündüz MK, Kurtenbach A, Völker M, Zrenner E, Gündüz SB et al. Preliminary trial to determine whether prevention of dark adaptation affects the course of early diabetic retinopathy. , Eye 2010; 24: 1149–1155.
7. Noctura 400 Sleep Mask for diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular oedema (MIB144) , 2018 - ISBN: 978-1-4731-2906-1.
8. ‘If a patient does not take a treatment, they cannot derive any benefit’ – Cleopatra Rebuttal