
1. If the Pod keeps turning off a few minutes after being activated:

a) Sometimes if the fabric mask is not tight enough (the straps may stretch over time) good contact cannot be made with the face. If the Pod is not held in close proximity to the face, and it cannot detect the skin constantly for the first 15 mins, it will turn off automatically after 3 minutes of lost contact. Try tightening the fabric mask a little (it should not be so tight that it causes discomfort). Also, the mask can be worn on the forehead for 15 mins prior to sleep, while the patient carries out their pre-bed routine (brush teeth, read etc) to ensure the mask maintains contact for a solid 15 minutes. The patient will see that after 15 mins the mask will still be switched on and can pull it down over the eyes knowing it will stay switched on for the next 8 hours. Contact your provider for advice if the problem persists for advice.

b) Ensure that the Sleep Mask has not been left on/near metal or electrical devices for example a lamp base, iPad, Kindle, tablet, mobile phone etc while it is not being used. While the pod is in the off state, a calibration is carried out and if it is near anything conductive during this period the Pod values may be set incorrectly meaning the Pod will get confused. It may not record data correctly or may struggle to stay switched on. If you think this might have happened then leave the Pod for a while or one night (missing one night of treatment will not cause any negative effects) making sure it is stored correctly away from anything conductive, then try again the next night. If this still does not work, then contact your provider for advice.

c) Ensure the Pod is being stored outside of the fabric mask and left in the room it will be used in when not in use. This is so that the Pod calibrates itself in the correct environment.

d) Make sure that the Sleep Mask is being worn as stated in the Instructions For Use provided. The straps should be fastened around the back of the head and not fastened at the nape of the neck for example.


2. If the Pod does not turn on:

a) Check the activation date and that you are not trying to turn the Pod on during the “off hour” as detailed on the label inside the box. The off hour is usually from 19:00 to 20:00 unless different programming settings were requested. Note that sometimes this window can be out by 5-10 mins, so do allow for this.

b) Has the time zone changed since the mask was programmed? The Pod does not adjust for time zones. So if you travel to a different time zone, the mask will still think it is on UK time. The Pod also does not adjust for daylight savings, so when the clock goes forward or back there will be an offset of 1 hour.

c) Ensure that you hold your whole hand on the left side of the mask, covering the area around the “On” sensor and left eye hole, for at least 5 seconds. Note the On sensor is not a button – not much pressure needs to be applied (it is a touch sensor, like in a smartphone screen and does not need to be pressed!). Sometimes people expect the mask to turn on immediately but it may be up to 5 seconds or more before the Pod detects the hand. If the Pod still does not turn on then leave it alone for 10 mins, away from anything metal, and then retry activation. If it still does not work leave it for one night (missing one night of treatment will not cause any negative effects) and try to activate as normal the next evening. If this still does not work contact your provider for advice.

d) Ensure that Sleep Mask has been stored correctly. The Pod should be stored outside the fabric mask in the room where it is to be used. When travelling try to leave it on a flat surface in the room where it is to be used for at least half an hour before wearing (i.e. try to avoid removing from a travel bag then wearing straight away).

e) Always store the pod away from anything metal, i.e. iPad, kindle, mobile phone etc. If the mask is left on a metal object, it might not turn on so easily. If this happens, leave the mask for 10 minutes, away from metal, and it should then work again.

3. If the nose bridge of the Pod has opened up and wires are visible:

a) Please do not fold the mask unnecessarily, store flat when not in use.

b) The nose bridge is not welded shut. This is to allow more flexibility in this area and is completely safe. If the plastic bends over time, it can open up slightly and the connective strip can be seen in-between the layers. This is not a problem and should not affect the functionality of the device. It is still completely safe to use.

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